Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake

5 from 6 votes

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This Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake is not only delicious but is also so good for your body. Made with only 9 ingredients! Enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake

Let’s discuss this Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake. Firstly, I have a weird obsession with fat-free cottage cheese.  I added it into this cheesecake recipe a few weeks ago and it was divine. And I’ve started in on adding it to this recipe too BECAUSE YOU CAN’T TELL IT’S THERE. Also, I need to have a truckload of protein every day, so this is how I do it without hurling. Turn it into milkshakes.

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

Orrrrr something like that.

You need to try this and like it. Forreals. Here’s how you make it:Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake Ingredients Start by measuring out some fat-free cottage cheese {trust the Lauren}, all natural peanut butter, vanilla, cocoa powder, and protein powder into a high-speed blender. IceAdd in a scoop of ice…Almond Milkand a tiny little splash of almond milk to help make it nice and milkshakey.

That’s a real word……Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein ShakePress the milkshake button {or just the on switch} and blitz until completely smooth. At first you’ll wonder if the chunks of cottage cheese will actually blend and you’ll start to question your existence.

Then they’ll go away and all will be right in the world again. Pouring Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein ShakeAhhh, hello thick and creamy milkshake. Pour into two glasses and glug glug glug it down. Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein ShakeAt first, my husband was like “it’s not very sweet” so I did mix in a little bit of Truvia. But for me {a girl who hasn’t had sugar in weeks} thought it was just right.

All you folks who aren’t eating a higher protein diet might think cottage cheese in a milkshake with not a whole lot of sugar is a little nuts and/or gross.

BUT I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t taste bad…and you can add as much sugar/honey/maple syrup/agave/sweetener as you want. Heck, throw in a bunch of chocolate chips. Go crazy with it.

ORRRRRRR, if you’re really concerned about it, just make a regular chocolate and peanut butter milkshake.

As long as you blend the heck out of it to make it thick and smooth {and cold!} you should be golden.

Here’s the recipe! Try it out and let me know what you think 🙂


high protein chocolate peanut butter milkshake
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5 from 6 votes

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Milkshake {high protein}

This Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake is not only delicious but is also so good for your body. Made with only 9 ingredients! Enjoy!
servings 2 servings
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes



  • Measure all ingredients into high powdered blender and blitz until completely smooth. Divide evenly between two glasses and top with chopped peanuts if desired. Serve immediately.


Calories: 238kcal | Carbohydrates: 16g | Protein: 25g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 25mg | Sodium: 509mg | Potassium: 430mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 4g | Calcium: 206mg | Iron: 1mg
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Chocolate Peanut Butter Milkshake, healthy
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5 from 6 votes

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36 Responses
  1. Wendy

    Just curious. You call it healthy & high protein but give no nutritional info. How many grams of sugar for those who need to know? How many calories? How much protein is in there?

  2. Ann

    For higher protein, you could try 1 cup Greek yogurt. It has 23 grams of protein, vs. 14 grams in a cup of cottage cheese. I like a smoothie with a lot of spinach, protein powder, frozen banana or berries, flax seeds and almond milk. You can add chocolate or PB2 for variety.

  3. Jan

    i read that protein powder should always be added at the end of blending and not to blend for more than 15 seconds as over blending will break it down too much. Has anyone else heard this?

  4. christina w

    Knowing the sugar comma my daughter will be in tomorrow but having no ideas on dinner I decided this with spinach added would supplement my 3.5 year olds leftover carrots grapes and pepitas for a yummy decadent yet healthy dinner/dessert in one! Score she and I love it! Added a bit of pb2 as well since I love love love peanut butter flavor.

  5. Tania

    I am nutts for peanuts in any way I can! Can’t wait to try it out! I wil add my Elite Gourmet whey and casein blend (the protein shake I use for trainig purposes) instead of the cocoa powder and protein powder. That would have the chocolate flavor and proteins in one keeping down the calories. I’m sure it will make a great pre-workout snack.

  6. Susan

    I am so pleased to find a blog written by someone who understands the need for enough protein! I am grateful to Marie of Not Enough Cinnamon for directing me here. I would probably make this as two individual shakes using my magic bullet. It sounds wonderful, and I’m looking forward to making it.

  7. tchris

    What kind of blender do you have? I love the fact that you have ice in your protein shake!!! I love icee shakes. But if I put in big hunks of ice like that in my blender, it would kill it. =(

  8. Stephanie @ Macaroni and Cheesecake

    Love how you worked through your writer’s block and just told us about your life lately! And great idea to use cottage cheese in the shake!

  9. Amanda Cooper

    5 stars
    This was sooooooo good! I haven’t had any sugar in a month, so this tasted amazing to me! I used low fat cottage cheese instead of fat free, but that was the only thing I changed. Thank you for posting this recipe! I’ve followed your blog for a couple years, and it’s amazingly convenient for me that you are on this new diet at the same time I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I can still love your recipes! 🙂

  10. Caroline {TheBarbeeHousewife}

    Mmm, I love the idea that this shake is like a dessert, aka easy to drink, but good for you! I like the addition of cottage cheese!

  11. Ashton

    Oh girl. I totally get this! I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate trying to think of something interesting to write in my posts! I just wanna be like “here are the photos (pin them please), and here is the recipe (make and don’t tell me if you hated it).” Bam. Done.
    *sigh* if only it were that easy! Anyway. This shake looks great, and I totally trust that the cottage cheese works in it!!

  12. Angelyn @ Everyday Desserts

    As a college student, I completely hate writer’s block, so I can sympathize with ya there! BUT these milkshakes look incredible and I’m all for healthy food that includes chocolate 🙂 Love these!

  13. Ruthy

    I make smoothies like this and use PB2 powder instead of peanut butter (half the fat and low calorie) 1/2 a banana and add a tsp of cocoa to boost the chocolate flavor. Love it.

    Your blog is awesome! Even your writer’s block post!

  14. Anna (Hidden Ponies)

    Ugh, writer’s block. Brownies would help, but then you’d be mad at yourself so…not sure what else works 🙂 Love this post-workout fuel!

  15. Phi @

    Hahaha, this post really made my day. Not only is there an awesome recipe which I can’t wait to try, but I loved the way you spoke through writers block and made me giggle ‘is it even legal for bloggers’ I feel that way ALL-THE-TIME!
    I too very often find that after I clean my entire kitchen, poof, a day later (even a few hours) it’s all messy again, and I don’t even have kids, so for you to do all these awesome posts plus watch kiddos plus work out….wow…are you the real superwoman?! Thanks for the awesome post!!

  16. Natalie @ Paper And Birch

    Not usually a fan of protein shakes (haven’t found a protein mix that I actually like yet) but chocolate?? How can you go wrong with that?! 😀

  17. Teresa D

    5 stars
    I am also on a very high protein diet and this is a perfect recipe to help me reach my protein levels. Please keep sharing high protein recipes! 🙂

  18. Karen

    Think this will be very good. You could also try it with tofu…for real….saw that and thought, gross, but then, thought about how you would just blend it until it was invisible and not so bad a thought. Thank you.

  19. Emily @ Life on Food

    My mind is all about the winter snow and how much I hate it. Since this would be my 100th some post on that I have writers block too. Hope your mind opens up a bit.

  20. Terri C

    This is so odd! I’ve been going to the gym for a month and decided last week I needed more protein and I’ve been drinking smoothies with fruit and protein powder. Well this afternoon I looked up cottage cheese smoothies! When I was in the fridge I saw a carton that I hadn’t opened and I wondered if I could use it in my smoothies. I will try this! Thanks 🙂

    1. Jayme

      Ok I was so excited to try this and had some and it tasted wonderful! But after a few seconds, it had THE WORST after taste ever. I literally had to spit it out. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m just giving you my feedback and experience.
